Contact with us
The idea of creating our store has been mature for a long time, and we have put a lot of effort and paid attention to choosing the ideal location, developing the design and creating comfort for our guests. Now we are happy to invite you to our showrooms, where everyone will feel a welcoming atmosphere, as is customary in the East. We are always happy to see you and are ready to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
Бутик Tashkent city mall
для заказа товаров первой линии
г. Ташкент, Яккасарайский район, ул. Батыра Закирова, 7
Пн-чт с 10:00 до 23:00, пт-вс с 10:00 до 00:00
Флагманский Бутик от кутюр
г. Ташкент, Мирабадский район, ул. Нукус, 31/3
Пн-чт с 10:00 до 23:00, пт-вс с 10:00 до 00:00
Teplo Store
ул.Нукус 31/1
Пн-чт с 10:00 до 23:00, пт-вс с 10:00 до 00:00
Pavillon Kalon
г.Бухара, ул Худжа Нуробод 10/1
Пн-чт с 10:00 до 23:00, пт-вс с 10:00 до 00:00